Saturday, January 12, 2013

PE 3 Reflection

Although I still have a long way to go, I feel as if I have accomplished more than I really expected to during this semester. It is a lot easier for me to speak Japanese in normal conversation now, since I feel like I can speak full sentences at a time rather than speaking single words at a time. In addition, I was able to achieve many of the goals I set for myself, such as improving the pronounciation of my Japanese "r" sound and special moras. Pitch pattern will always be a challenge for me, but I feel like the only way to improve it is to speak more and listen more (or go to office hours. I promise I will find time to go next semester!). It would be nice if I could engage in conversations in Japanese more often, so maybe I will try to find people who are willing to do so with me on a regular basis. I think my biggest goal for next semester, however, is to improve my listening ability since I feel like I focused a lot more on improving my pronounciation rather than improving my listening.

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