Monday, October 22, 2012

おはようございます、みなさん。すみませんfor taking so long to post. さくばん、くじごろねましたsince I was feeling sick. きんようびによくアニメクラブをいきます、でもせんしゅういきませんでしたbecause I was not feeling well that night either. せんしゅうまつ、りょうでべんきょうしました。そして、しゅくだいをしました。どようびに、パギスさんとわたしpracticed for the にほんごのちゅうかんテスト。さくばんにルームメイトとわたしレストランでばんごはんをたべました。


Sunday, October 14, 2012

PE 2 Goals:
·         Place extra emphasis on remembering the pitch patterns for words when studying
·         Try to watch more Japanese videos (should not be that difficult since I’ve recently joined the 
       Anime/Manga club with コールさんand カートンさん so I’ll be watching at least 2-3 hours a 
       week ^_^) and listen to more Japanese songs
·         Make attempts to speak to my fellow classmates in Japanese

PE 1 Reflection

I feel like my Japanese has really started to improve since I first learned Japanese. My speaking is more fluid and natural than it was before and my speed is slowly getting closer to a natural speaking pace. I think I have made the most improvement on my “r” sound, since I’ve been actively trying to practice saying it (to the point where I’ve started using it to replace the “r” sounds in English words for fun). I’m still struggling with the pitch patterns, however, and I feel like that aspect of speaking is always going to be the most difficult for me. I also feel like I have trouble with double consonants, since it seems like I always try too hard to make sure I get the proper pause with the small.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Video Self-Introduction

Hopefully my self-introduction sounded okay. I'm sorry that my webcam and microphone aren't very good.